
The Bible uses many metaphors to describe church, which include parts of a body (1 Cor 12v12-31, Ephesians 4v1-16), bricks in a building (Ephesians 2v19-22), members of a family (Galatians 4v4-7, Romans 8v14-17). These pictures all contain the idea of belonging, which is much more than attending. Church is not a spectator event, where we come to watch and be entertained, but a living family to which we each belong. A place where we are welcomed and accepted. A place where our contribution and participation in various ways is vital to the wellbeing of the whole. Membership expresses a commitment to one local church family. It is also legally how we are constituted - so whilst the elders and staff run the day to day stuff - big decisions need to be agreed by a vote of membership at members meetings. We encourage people who have been coming consistently for more than 3 months and contributing to All Nations to become formal members. This process involves meeting with one of the elders and then formally being commissioned at one of our members commissioning services which take place each term.

Membership is Open to All Who:

Our Church Partners

- Publicly profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour and are seeking to live as one of his disciples.

- Are in full agreement with the church statement of faith; are prepared to accept the church doctrinal distinctives and are committed to living in accordance with the church ethical statement as described in the church members handbook.

- Have been baptised on confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

- Commit themselves to use their gifts and serve Christ with the other members of the church and give generously.

- Agree to sit under God’s Word and entrust themselves to the leadership of the church as they seek to lead, care, serve and look out for you.

If this is you, please speak to our elders or reach out to us below.

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